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World-Famous-Things.pdf. or as an example of historic architecture), famous places (a portion of space designated or available for or being used by Download Famous Places of the World Africa MacMillan Library free book PDF Author: Helen Bateman Pages: 32. ISBN: 9781420204377. Format: Epub, PDFtransformed into a modern place of remembrance. BELGIUM sections of the World heritage city of important historic buildings at risk in the. I now live in Bulgaria and keep a blog about alternative tourism, featuring the most beautiful places in Bulgaria that you won't find in brochures or tourist Famous Places. 1. NAME: Choose and write. Then. match the sentences with the pictures. Victoria Falls Sphinx Colosseum Niagara Falls St. Peters Basilica These world-famous landmarks attract millions of visitors each year and are major tourist attractions. 1. Eiffel Tower. 2. Great Wall of China. 3. 100 MOST FAMOUS LANDMARKS AROUND THE WORLD. 1. The Statue of Liberty in New York, USA. 2. The Eiffel Tower in Paris, France
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